by Zoe Walker

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2019, I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and the general happenings of my day-to-day life with the simple intention of mindfulness, but then I realised it might be reassuring for others to hear what goes on in my mind.
My name's Zoe and I'm a First Year Animation student and Mental Health Ambassador. After struggling from mental illness throughout my teenage years, I decided to volunteer as an Ambassador for a local organisation named Healthwatch, which aims to improve healthcare by listening to peoples' lived experiences. I enjoy digital art, films, travelling, and cats amongst other things; whilst you can expect a blog or two about those, I will mostly be posting about what I believe is crucial to enjoy anything in life: trying to have a healthy mindset.
As technology becomes more advanced, social media seems to get taken over by people who do not actually exist in real life, or at least not in the way you would think. It is so easy to believe everything you see online, but a lot of the time we don't realise the negative impact this has on our brains. I think everyone, including myself, is guilty of subconsciously hiding behind a screen and projecting this seemingly perfect version of their life onto the internet, so I want to do my bit to change that and show people a realistic version of what might be happening in the minds of those people.
Although my blog does not have such a specific niche per-se, it is mostly focused around seeing my life from a mental health point of view. Recently, particularly through lockdown, I have been dedicating my time to trying to have a more positive mindset – so I thought, what better way is there than to write about it? My posts will include anything that happens in my day-to-day life but will be tailored to how I’m trying to make my mind a healthier place. Whilst this blog is a safe and inclusive space for anyone, I am hoping to use it to create a friendly community of people who like me, are trying to change their mindset for the better. If that seems like you, subscribe below to be a part of my journey!